Letters of Hope


Reflection on Easter 2006

Take a look at these pictures from EASTER 2006. Do you see how normal we looked? Would you have thought I struggled with a Meth addiction? Look at all those sweet faces! I justified my addiction and was fooled into believing the lie that I was in control when in...


Something that has become more and more evident to me recently is how vulnerability can be used to crush shame, expose darkness and defeat the enemy. But despite what it can bring, it tends to be the very thing we avoid. Whether we’re ashamed of something we’ve done...

There is a Better Way

As I reflect over these last 17 years since Matt and gave our hearts to the Lord, I can see His hands inner twined through it all. Our life definitely didn’t get easier. We’ve had trauma, tragedy, disappointments, failures, etc. But we’ve also had the peace of God to...

Let The Heart Lead Us & Not The Guidelines

After over 12 years of homeschooling my perspective has changed so much. In the beginning, I was doing traditional school at home. Education turned into focusing on what we were "supposed to do." What rules to follow, what guidelines to follow...rather than the actual...