

Read the testimonies of all of the people who were impacted by the book.

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“Misty’s ‘open book’ nature bleeds through every chapter. Your heart will be touched and your faith ignited, mine sure was! It will be hard to put this one down so carve out time for a full read.”

~ Jackie Vaggalis / Destiny Worship Center

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“What an honor and privilege to read and be a witness to Misty’s incredible testimony! She writes with such vulnerability, authenticity & honesty. Once I started reading, I couldn’t put the book down! This is a story of redemption and God’s love for us! He doesn’t promise we won’t have hardships in this life, but He promises He will always be there!”

~ AJ Strout / Church of the City, Franklin TN

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“He Was Always There is an amazing book about the harsh realities this world has to offer, met with the softening love of a transforming Savior. Misty pours out her heart in each chapter, exposing the cold dark world she once lived in, and ends each chapter with a glimpse into how a mighty God can make you new. This is a book for all people to see that God is always there even when you don’t know it or even choose it, and how surrender can change everything!”

~ Amy Gracia / Navarre, FL

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“Like Misty, I struggled with my identity for many years, using a variety of things to quiet the storm swirling inside of me. I had no idea I was even hurting because people don’t like to talk about pain or trauma or anything that might hint they are human and actually experience something other than joy. Our world, which is laden with filters and facades, needs the vulnerability that Misty so naturally weaves with encouragement and biblical Truth. Having read her story, I am changed. You will be, too.”

~ Amanda Armsey

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“Wow, Misty!! Tears and joy reading it. It is incredible and such a life-changing testimony of God’s goodness and faithfulness through the darkest of times. So proud of you for putting your story into words. Love you so much!!”

~ Tammy

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“I read the entire book on the flight home from Germany!!!! You did a great job! It was an emotional ride reading of so many of the events of your past- some details I knew, others I didn’t, many I was blessed to walk alongside you through!!!! I loved going back and seeing God’s hand in all the missed vasectomy appointments, Saylor’s birth, Sage’s life (so many tears)! And I can remember exactly where I was sitting when you told me you were pregnant with Asher AND adopting Izzy! It made me miss you so very much!!!!”

~ Amanda Brenci

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“Good morning! I know how I am with reading. It’s very hard for me to put a book down so I made sure to give myself an uninterrupted schedule. I sat and read your book in one sitting and it was so worth it. Beautiful book. Just beautiful. I loved the reflections at the end of every chapter. That was probably my most favorite part of it all. Although I know your story it was so special to read it knowing who you are. I’ve never experienced that before. Thank you for sharing the manuscript and for the special note. I’m very touched by all of it. Congratulations and I can’t wait to see what your future holds.”

~ Autumn

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“I started reading your book today. I am only on chapter 3 and my eyes are filled with tears and joy in my heart as you end each chapter with how sweet God is in such a soft way drawing the person reading to God.”

~ Amy Gracia

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“Hi, beautiful friend! I just finished your book and I laughed at some “Misty” moments and cried at your deepest pain all the way throughout the book! I’m so thankful for the goodness of God all over your life! I’m also so very thankful and honored to be a part of some of the areas. Honored to have prayed for you and Matt and honored to love you guys through some of the difficult parts of your journey. This makes me love you so much more! Your family is such a beautiful and miraculous plan from God! Your story will indeed change hearts and lives!!!!

God has so much more to do through you! Thank you for sharing your story in such a beautiful and raw manner. Im excited to see what else He will do! I love you, sweet lady!”

~ Alice Tucker

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“Wow!! All I can say! I’m on Chapter 7. I think a movie is next! I can’t put it down… Love you, Love all God has done and ALL HE IS Doing in you! You are a miracle Misty Parenzan! Thank you for opening up your world to reveal the God who is always ahead, behind us, and eventually in us!”

~ Mona

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“Hey Misty loved the book. Thank you for your openness to share it all . . . raw! God will use it to set others free.”

~ Your Friend