About Misty


“Author” is Just One of Her Titles

Misty Parenzan is a homeschool mom of nine, wife to the love of her life, and Mimi to 3. She currently resides in the Florida Panhandle where she and her husband have built their life over the last twenty years. Misty’s love for the Lord wasn’t built by her upbringing but rather by God’s pursuit of her heart.

Misty walked out her convictions to stay home to mold her children’s hearts to love God above all else and instill a love of learning. She encourages her kids to do hard things, love one another, put people before things, take risks and have fun. When she is not reading books, playing outside, going to the beach, taking nature walks and bike rides, she is grocery shopping, paying bills, folding clothes, wiping tears and warming hearts

Misty's Family
Portrait of Misty
She enjoys her family and all things on land and sea. She has a gift of worship and songwriting. Misty is the friend you call when you need the unsweetened hard truth, sprinkled with grace. She means what she says and says what she means. “Author” is just another title to add to the culmination of experiences that make up her life, some of which you get to read and experience for yourself in He Was Always There. Who she is today and her zeal for the Lord, are built on God’s goodness and grace. She trusts without reservation that He works all things for His good.
Misty & her husband


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"I read the entire book on the flight home from Germany!!!! You did a great job! It was an emotional ride reading of so many of the events of your past- some details I knew, others I didn’t, many I was blessed to walk alongside you through!!!! I loved going back and seeing God’s hand in all the missed vasectomy appointments, Saylor’s birth, Sage’s life (so many tears)! And I can remember exactly where I was sitting when you told me you were pregnant with Asher AND adopting Izzy! It made me miss you so very much!!!!"

~ Amanda Brenci

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"He Was Always There is an amazing book about the harsh realities this world has to offer, met with the softening love of a transforming Savior. Misty pours out her heart in each chapter, exposing the cold dark world she once lived in, and ends each chapter with a glimpse into how a mighty God can make you new. This is a book for all people to see that God is always there even when you don't know it or even choose it, and how surrender can change everything!"

~ Amy Garcia

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"Like Misty, I struggled with my identity for many years, using a variety of things to quiet the storm swirling inside of me. I had no idea I was even hurting because people don't like to talk about pain or trauma or anything that might hint they are human and actually experience something other than joy. Our world, which is laden with filters and facades, needs the vulnerability that Misty so naturally weaves with encouragement and biblical Truth. Having read her story, I am changed. You will be, too."

~ Amanda Armsey